How often do you, or your managerial team, look at a problem, an issue, a challenge and feel that you are too close to it, to involved to make a truly objective decision? That closeness, that personal involvement is not a criticism, a drawback – more likely it is sign that you , or your managers care so much; are so committed to the company, the workforce and your customers that it is difficult to detach yourselves from the matter in hand.

At Montana Management, we have in excess of 30 years of management experience – at Partner, Director and then at Managing Director level. In parallel, Richard spent some 14 years in the Reserve Forces, commissioning through the Royal Military Academy – Sandhurst and ending his military career as a Captain, commanding the St Andrews Squadron of Tayforth Universities Officer Training Corps.

This combination of managerial experience makes us ideally placed to aid you or to your managerial team. We have the military approach – focused and structured linked to genuine business experience which enables us to examine the issue and advise on a range of solutions. The military approach leads naturally to an almost automatic SWOT analysis – STRENGTH, WEAKNESS, OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS – of each of the possible solutions, and a ranking of them as regards suitability. This can be presented to the relevant decision maker in a clear and precise manner, saving time and managerial resources.

Our Consultancy service can be utilized in any way that is of assistance to your business. Previously, we have been involved in clarifying complex contract matters, untangling a bewildering web of emails or simply directing a decision maker.

As we emerge for the Coronavirus crisis, businesses are going to be faced with a new way of working in what will seem like a new world. Montana Management can work with you to perhaps decide which workers continue to work from home, and who returns to work. We can assist in creating monitoring systems for safe distancing or developing protocols for those working from home. Your own teams will have so many issues to consider, post Coronavirus that bringing in an independent consultant can free up their time, as well as allowing staff to see that decisions are being made in an objective manner.

Montana Management’s approach to any issue is to find an amicable solution that is acceptable to all parties. We will always strive to take a non-confrontational route to a decision, taking into account the concerns and restrictions that are present, and seeking the most positive outcome.

We are available to discuss any matter where you feel that we may be able to offer assistance.


Tenancy Disputes


Property Factoring and Block Management


Management Consultancy